After School Care opening hours : 3:00pm to 6:15pm 

Children are collected by one of our educators or the SLC mini bus driver outside of school location,  organise and meet at each meeting point.  For requirement of safety restraints for transportation safety, please indicate ‘ car seat needed’ on the page 2 NOTE Section on your online enrolment form below. 

To support families, we will setup the fortnightly transaction fees for families who provide their bank details for direct debit payment option.  Casual bookings payment are to made prior to the service starts.  Late pickup and late payment charge applied. 

    Enrolment Process Step 1/2 – Registration
    1. (For Safari only, Use datepicker or enter in YYYY-MM-DD format for Child’s DOB)

    2. MaleFemale

    3. YesNo

    4. YesNo

    5. I agree to accept responsibility for costs incurred on my behalf in securing medical treatment and associated services for the above mentioned child requiring medical treatment or in the case of a medical emergency.I also consent to the Shine Learning Centre to provide first aid.I understand that Shine Learning Centre does not provide automatic personal injury or liability insurance for student accidents which are inflicted by the students themselves.